by Melissa Ayling | Aug 9, 2022 | Womb Awakening
Have you ever used affirmations before? If you haven’t… you’re actually saying affirmations to yourself all day long. They are your thoughts. However a lot of the time thoughts can be negative. This is when positive affirmations can play an important role in...
by Melissa Ayling | Aug 2, 2022 | Womb Awakening
If you live a more masculine approach to life (productivity, giving, goal driven, focused, achieving, logical thinking) then you might find it hard to switch off your mind at night therefore affecting your sleep. You might even lack sleep from other causes such as...
by Melissa Ayling | Jul 15, 2022 | Womb Awakening
While experiencing COVID-19 your spiritual practice may go out the window and you can feel disconnected from yourself and life force energy. Even the thought of meditating or journalling can be too much of an effort! You may start to wonder if you’re ever going...
by Melissa Ayling | May 5, 2018 | Hypnobirthing
The difference between midwifery and obstetric models This blog is a response to GP Obstetrician Dr. Taylor’s March 13th on the Geraldton Guardian article, Mum Leads Midwife Push. I was honoured to be featured in the article where I discussed the necessity of access...
by Melissa Ayling | Oct 9, 2017 | Birth Stories
At exactly 39 weeks pregnant, I awoke on a Saturday morning with all the early signs of labour: a little tired, emotionally off, crampy lower abdomen and some brown discharge. Gross? Nope no way – not to me. My baby was coming! I reminisced on the night before....