Sun Moon Ceremony
Harmonise & Illuminate- Are you looking for ways to take care of yourself and energetically cleanse after the festive season?
- Do you desire a deeper connection with yourself and others?
Do you need a space to let go, celebrate and reflect on the past year while setting heartfelt intentions for the upcoming one?
You can begin the new year with the majestic Sun Moon Ceremony on January 6th, 2024 out at sacred Nukara Farm.
This ceremony will be the gateway to harmonising and illuminating your path for the year ahead!

The Sun & Moon
Just like the sun and the moon, we must form sacred union within ourselves first before entering into sacred union with our gifts, each other and the world.
The sun, representing masculine energy, and the moon, representing feminine energy, beautifully merge in sacred union.
They embody a balanced, harmonious and illuminating flow of energy within themselves and between each other.
This is possible within each of us too, as we also consist of both masculine and feminine energy and are connected by the web of life.
The Experience
During the ceremony, you’ll tap into the radiant energy of the sun and the intuitive energy of the moon.
By embracing their energy, you’ll potentially create sacred union within yourself, harmonising and illuminating both the divine feminine and masculine aspects within you.
This process increases your creativity and productivity, enhancing your relationships, gifts, purpose, manifesting abilities and overall wellbeing.
This ceremony includes a sacred union body prayer, a lunar solar meditation and a magical water anointing ritual infused with the energy of the sun and the moon.
Together, we’ll raise our voices in a powerful prayer of love and manifest the sacred union of the divine masculine and divine feminine within ourselves and the world around us.
Don’t miss the opportunity to harmonise and illuminate your journey for the new year.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a ceremony?
We’ve been gathering in ceremony longer than we haven’t.
Our ancestors gathered in ceremony to make sense of aspects in a world they couldn’t understand and then passed the ritual and knowledge on to each generation to live a better human experience.
We would gather in ceremony for many reasons such as celebrating, honouring, healing, gratitude, manifesting, grieving, seasonal change, understanding, rites of passage, hunting and more.
Ceremonies bring together conscious connection, community and oneness.
They help us to push aside our ego’s, connect to our hearts and souls and step into the essence of our true selves, which is healing for and raises the vibrations of the collective and Mother Earth.
We gain spiritual healing, insight and guidance to any of our minds questions and major life events in ceremony.
Ceremonies are a sacred space that we enter with reverence and high intention.
We go inwards, connect to our ancestors (who sat in ceremony and heal those that didn’t!), mother earth and the universe and shift into non-linear time where unconditional love and unlimited abundance exist.
Our intentions match with the frequency of love and abundance, creative life force energy flows through us therefore we manifest what our hearts desire.
Magic is created!
We become enriched in life through the change ceremonies create on a cellular and soul level.
In the western world today ceremonies rarely exist and if so they unfortunately lack intention, depth, meaning, emotion and knowledge and have lost their sacredness and magic.
The ancient ceremonies are limited to mostly tribal cultures and world religions.
We now honour material possessions and what only can be explained by the medical/scientific profession in text books.
Ceremonies are usually frowned upon and seen as witchy woo woo in the western world however it’s not meant to be like this.
There is so much magic in ceremony and that’s why they barely exist now in the western world; as they know how magical they are.
However they haven’t been forgotten.
Let’s reclaim the magic of ceremony and weave them back into our lives and community!
What are feminine and masculine energies?
These energies are associated with different traits and characteristics.
Masculine energy typically embodies qualities such as assertiveness, logic and structure. It tends to approach situations with a problem-solving mindset and a focus on efficiency.
Feminine energy is often associated with intuition, emotions and empathy. It emphasises adaptability, fluidity and connection.
Both energies have their unique strengths and can complement each other in various contexts.
Right now a majority of world is embodying too much masculine energy causing an imbalance leading to burnout, conflict and unfortuanlty in some places, war.
Recognising and embodying the diverse qualities of masculine and feminine energies can contribute to more balanced human behavior, interaction and a peaceful world.
I don't identify as a woman, can I come?
The terms “masculine” and “feminine” energies do not refer to specific genders, but rather to qualities that exist within everyone.
Each person has the potential to embody both of these energies.
Shouldn't this ceremony be held on a full moon?
No, there is no specific moon phase that is better than the other for this ceremony.
Each moon phase carries its own unique significance.
This ceremony will be held during the waning crescent phase.
The waning crescent phase is actually perfect for this ceremony, as it symbolises a time of rest and rejuvenation. It’s a period of self-care, where we can seek balance, harmony and reconnect with ourselves. This phase allows us to let go of any external factors that are beyond our control, before the lunar cycle starts again.
This phase of the moon is an ideal opportunity to take some time for ourselves and replenish our energy as we start the year anew.
- Sun Moon Ceremony
Wear comfortable clothing and BYO water bottle, cushion and rug/mat. - Optional post ceremony dinner at 7.30pm
This is a bring and share. Please let know me if you have any dietary requirements or allergies. - Camping is available at Nukara for $15 per person
Once you’ve secured your space, I’ll text you the link to book your optional camping spot.
- Any gender, any age, any stage in life
- Safe if pregnant
Saturday, 6th January, 2024
4 – 7pm
Nukara Farm
115 Nanson-Howatharra Rd, Nanson
Secure now as limited spaces available!
Please note there are strictly no refunds for this event. However, you may transfer your registration to another person for this event only. The selling or transferring of the registration space is your responsibility.
When participating in this event, you do so at your own risk and take full responsibility. It is not Melissa Ayling’s responsibility.
By purchasing your space you’re agreeing to the above.
About Melissa:
Hello! I’m Melissa Ayling and I’m a Shamanic Womb Practitioner, Retreat Hostess and Mother of two. I have been facilitating women’s work for over 8 years.
I gently guide women to consciously connect with their womb, awakening their feminine qualities and addressing the root cause of their challenges. I offer a range of tools to help navigate these challenges.
I also utilise shamanic practices to help women energetically cleanse their mind, body, womb and soul, allowing for release, reset and reconnection.
I offer Shamanic Womb Healing 1:1 sessions, ceremonies, workshops and women’s retreats.