Heart Womb Breathwork

with Melissa Ayling

A sacred journey that reunites your heart and womb, awakening the love, creativity and magic inside you.

Do you desire to:


  • Clear your womb energy, reclaim body autonomy and reconnect to purpose, pleasure & passion?

  • Let go of what’s holding you back, increase vitality and move forward with love & clarity?

  • Ignite creativity, plant seeds for your dreams and enhance manifestation?

If yes, then I invite you on a sacred journey of Heart Womb breathwork.

Many women experience disconnection between their heart and womb, often due to past hurts, ancestral patterns or an overemphasis on masculine qualities.

This disconnection can lead to emotional imbalance, difficulty manifesting and feelings of unworthiness, as well as burnout and scarcity.

Your womb space is your feminine centre, capable of birthing anything aligned with your soul’s path, encompassing fun, creativity and freedom.

Your heart connects you to your soul and oneness, encompassing love, trust and belonging. 

Strengthening the connection between your heart and womb supports you to ‘create’ a life rooted in ‘love’ instead of past wounds.

Your Benefits


  • Increase your energy levels, allow your creativity to flow and initiate change in your life, so you can feel fulfilment, abundance and purpose.

  • Release stress, past hurts and limiting beliefs and improve your mental and reproductive health, so you can feel acceptance, closure and freedom.

  • Connect with a beautiful circle of sister women, drop the armour and be yourself, so you can feel trust, belonging and love.

  • Reclaim your body autonomy, break ancestral patterns and release societal constraints, so you can feel pleasure, free-spirited and a sense of who you truly are.

  • Feed your curiosity, explore unexplored parts of yourself and evolve your spiritual journey, so you can feel expansiveness, growth and higher guidance.

 What You’ll Experience

In the Heart Womb Breathwork journey, you will be guided through breathwork, sacred toning and body prayer movement for energetic clearings and activations of the heart and womb.

You’ll then immerse yourself in a guided meditation and sound healing with heart and sacral chakra bowls, reconnecting your heart space and womb space.

This sacred process facilitates a union between the two, planting the seeds of your heart’s desires within the depths of your womb and initiating your journey to create a life grounded in love.



  • Heart Womb Breathwork Journey
  • Light refreshments
  • Bring a journal & water bottle
  • Wear comfortable clothing


This workshop is for you if you’re ready to reunite your heart and womb space, awakening the love, creativity and magic inside of you.


Saturday, Oct 26th
2 – 5pm


TBA, Geraldton


$66.00 – Group session (Sat 26th Oct)

$150.00 – Private session (90min in-person or online)

I look forward to journeying with you soon.

Limited spaces available

When purchasing your space you’re agreeing to the following terms & conditions:


  • Strictly no refunds however is transferrable to another woman and only for this event. The selling of the space is your responsibility.
  • By participating in this workshop you do so at your own risk and responsibility and it is not Melissa Ayling’s responsibility.

 About Melissa:

Welcome! I’m Melissa Ayling a certified Womb Awakening facilitator & reiki master. I have 10+ years experience facilitating women’s work.

I believe that women are humans with needs too.

We have our own qualities that set us apart from men and other genders, while still being equal to them.

We should never have to settle for being treated as doormats, domesticated beings or sexualised objects.

We have the capacity to live lives that are fulfilling, pleasurable and purposeful, just like anyone else.

Most women naturally embody feminine energy and the centre for this is the womb space.

Many of us have been conditioned to believe the Feminine is a weakness however it’s actually a source of strength.

Unfortunately throughout history some have felt threatened by this feminine power. 

As a result, anything related to the vagina and womb has been shamed, oppressed and stigmatised, causing women to become disconnected from their own power, pleasure and purpose. 

It’s time for women to reclaim their femininity through Womb Awakening!

When a woman does this she not only benefits herself but also benefits those around her, the healing of her ancestors, both past and future, as well as humanity and Mother Earth. 

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